Tuesday, November 5, 2013

He is Worthy

There was unspeakable, unthinkable, unimaginable tragedy that hit our community last week.  A small, strongly Christian community where everyone seems to know everyone.  A three year old little girl lost her life due to an injury she received at the hands of her daycare provider.  And it felt like the entire community gasped and wept.

And I've wept.  For the little girl who looks so much like my little three year old.  For the mom and dad who had to hold her as she went to see Jesus.  For the mom and dad who had to hug her sister and brother and remind them they didn't need three little cups at the table anymore.  For the daycare provider who I know only in passing and small talk at activities.  For her three little girls who have lost their mom.  For her husband who has lost his wife.  For them as they try to continue life, in a small town, with her out on bail.

And I sat in my chair on this day, the day containing a celebration ceremony of the life of that little three-year-olds, and I watched her memorial video.  And I wept and I prayed.  And I marvelled that her parents could use songs full of grace and compassion in her video.  That they spoke of a God who has conquered death as they celebrated her life.

And then, this afternoon I heard Selah's song All My Praise.  And I thought to myself, do I believe this? If I were these parents, could I believe this?  That even in the valley of death, in the midst of my worst nightmare, He is worthy of all my praise?   I've watched my sister and brother-in-law live that nightmare.  My aunt heart has bled with them and for the nephew I did not get the joy of holding.  I've witnessed Joel's brother and sister-in-law live daily with the possibility of that nightmare.  I've cried and prayed extra hard at those particularly scary moments.  I know just a sliver of what it is like.  It is terrible, painful, unimaginable and unthinkable.  And my conclusion is this. . .deep down I do believe this.  But more than that, I have to believe this.  Because I don't think there is any way I could handle something as unimaginable as this, if God would chose to allow it in my life, unless I could cling to the fact the He is worthy and He is seated on His throne.

Oh God, thank You that You are Worthy, no matter what is happening in this sin sick world around me.  That You are big enough to handle my uncertainty and pain. That You grant grace and strength to those experiences their deepest valley.  That You are the Only One who can help us make it through.  Be All that the people involved in this tradegy need today and in the days to come.

1 comment:

  1. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you as Joel's wife, Josiah, Simeon, Ezra, Evelyn and Lucas's mother but also as a woman of God. I remember Joyce saying that people asked how she and Ben thought about God after Luke's tragedy. She said they had that settled BEFORE the tragedy. Last weekend was a marathon for you, but I hope you enjoyed it. It was wonderful for me.
