Well, I am supposed to be mowing the front lawn while the kiddos nap this afternoon, but the mower has decided to chew up the lawn. Not the best thing to have a lawn mower do when you're trying to sell your house. So, I think I'll wait on that.
Instead, I'll take a few minutes to share a couple of stories, courtesy of Evelyn. Yesterday, I was doing a bit of computer work while Evelyn and Ezra watched Sesame Street. When it was over, I set the computer down on the ground. Evelyn looked at me and asked me if I was going to put the computer away. I told her I would in a little bit. She looked at me and said, "You took it out, Mommy, you need to put it away. . . it goes over there." Thank you Mommy Evelyn.
Then, while I was preparing supper yesterday, Lucas started wailing in the living room. That's not so unusual around supper time for him, but this sounded a bit more serious, so I went to check it out. After a bit of prompting, Evelyn confessed that she had hit Lucas on the head with a coaster. She was sent to her room for a bit and had to apologize to Lucas. Fast forward to bedtime. I went in to pray with Ezra and Evelyn. After praying with Evelyn, she tried to tell me something. I couldn't understand much more than Lucas, so I asked her if she wanted me to pray for Lucas. She nodded her head, so I briefly prayed for Lucas to sleep well. I turned to leave and Evelyn said, no, pray Lucas. Apparently, I wasn't getting what she wanted. Well, after a bit of discussion, I finally figured out that she wanted me to pray and ask Jesus to forgive her for hitting Lucas on the head with a coaster. I did and she was satisfied. Wow, I didn't see that one coming!
Well, off to finish up the cinnamon rolls for the thirty high school students who are doing a service project out at the acreage on Friday.