Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lucas is Nine Months

Lucas turned nine months old this week.

Here's his stats:
22lbs - 75th percentile
31 in long - above the 97th percentile!

What he's doing:
Pulling himself up on things
Loves to play peek-a-boo
Consistently waking up at 4am, and often before as well
Saying, "da, da, da, da. . ." to himself
Disappears to explore. . .his particular favorites are the dogfood and the bathroom trash can
Each day is different as to whether he will eat baby food or not
Just tried black beans and homemade bread, both big hits

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How does your world look this morning?

Here's how my world looked this morning. . .

Thankfully, we are moving around now and don't seem to be feeling too badly.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Weight of Weeping

Here I am: "Heavy from the hurts I heard. Not the troubles my own heart has known, not troubles my body has born, but troubles I've witnessed, heard of, empathized. One wonders how this world can bear the weight of the sin that bears it down daily. Maybe that is why it groans, and we groan. Yes, I think that's it. We know that as long as we walk this twirling sphere, there will be tears and sorrow. And we get weary with the weight of weeping."

What I need to remember and live: "It doesn't help the hurting to be angry or bitter or frustrated or even sad all the time over the sadness, the injustice, the injuries this world can inflict. To weight our hearts down with grief doesn't lighten the load of others."

Lord, may I: "give thanks and pray to (You) the One who still works miracles in hurting hearts. I'm slipping off my load of hearts onto Him who can truly heal them. "

Quotes taken from: Ashley Haupt at Little Pieces of Ordinary, Feb 18, 2011 posting.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I want it to be easy.
Going, moving. . .
Just one more dish.
One more toy.
One more answer.

I want it to be easy.
Thinking, speaking. . .
Stop a fight.
Fix a bump.
Mend a heartache.

I want it to be easy.
Straining, striving. . .
Just try harder.
Do more.
Be more.

I want it to be easy.
Comparing, judging. . .
Another voice.
An added weight.
A silent battle.

I want it to be easy.
Waiting, yearning. . .
"For My yoke is easy
and My burden is light."