It is hard to believe it is here already. I dropped Josiah off for his first day of kindergarten today. He looked so grown up in his school outfit and backpack. Grandma Clark is again picking him up each morning and Josiah has decided to try riding the bus to the high school after school, stop in to say hi to Joel and then walk home. He did really well this morning. He held my hand as we walked into the school, but as soon as he was in the classroom, he got busy putting his stuff away and gave me a cheerful “Bye, Mom!” when I said I was going to go. I think I had a harder time! I’ve been weepy all morning and it was weird not having him home for lunch.
A friend who also sent her first child to kindergarten today sent me something this morning. Here is part of it:
“I’ll never forget the feeling as I stood on the side-walk watching my son go into his kindergarten class-room the first day of school. I felt like I was no longer going to be there to protect and defend him. How would he manage if someone bullied him? Who would help him if he struggled with a problem? How would I deal with the negative influences he was bound to encounter? . . . As mothers, we are constantly saying good-bye to our children, relinquishing them to the influences of others. . .Although I have no power to change circumstances, I do have the power of God available through Word and Sacrament. I can also daily bring my children before His throne and seek His guidance, protection, grace, and mercy for them wherever they are. This is one of the sacred privileges of motherhood. And the assurance we have is that the same God who guided Samuel and comforted Hannah is available to guide our children and comfort us. He knows and loves our sons and daughters even more than we do and is able to accomplish great things in their lives- things beyond our limited sight that He has prepared for them to do for Him and His kingdom.”
One of the great privileges of motherhood – to pray for our kids and believe God has so much good for them and even that what we do not see as good, He works for good.
So, today I say goodbye to one stage of the life of Josiah, sad at what has gone so quickly and what I will miss, but excited for what is in store in this new stage.