Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Melting my heart
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A patch
I put on patch on Simeon's pajamas today - they were his superman ones that he has worn a hole in the knee! He was thrilled to be able to wear them again tonight. I never thought I would put a patch on pajamas. . .I guess superheroes are pretty important!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I am feeling quite domestic today – We received a bunch of apples from a friend, so I have made an apple crisp for the freezer and canned applesauce in my new canner. I also have spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove. I even roasted red peppers to add to the sauce. I am having fun with my new toy. Now if I can just find the time to try apple butter, jalepeno jelly, jalepeno slices. . .
Monday, August 31, 2009
A few thoughts from today
Joel gave Simeon one of his old watches today. I’m pretty sure it was about every five minutes all day that Simeon turned to me and said, “Isn’t it nice that I have a watch Mom?”
Josiah’s prayer at supper tonight: “Dear God, thank you that I can go to school. And thank you for Zeke.” (our new puppy)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Conversation this morning
Josiah: "Mom, I think TK is a little better than Kindergarten."
Me: "Oh yeah, why's that?"
Josiah: "Because it's shorter."
Me: "But think of all the extra fun things you get to do in Kindergarten. . ."
Josiah: "Yeah, but I don't get as long at home."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Josiah’s First Day of School
It is hard to believe it is here already. I dropped Josiah off for his first day of kindergarten today. He looked so grown up in his school outfit and backpack. Grandma Clark is again picking him up each morning and Josiah has decided to try riding the bus to the high school after school, stop in to say hi to Joel and then walk home. He did really well this morning. He held my hand as we walked into the school, but as soon as he was in the classroom, he got busy putting his stuff away and gave me a cheerful “Bye, Mom!” when I said I was going to go. I think I had a harder time! I’ve been weepy all morning and it was weird not having him home for lunch.
A friend who also sent her first child to kindergarten today sent me something this morning. Here is part of it:
“I’ll never forget the feeling as I stood on the side-walk watching my son go into his kindergarten class-room the first day of school. I felt like I was no longer going to be there to protect and defend him. How would he manage if someone bullied him? Who would help him if he struggled with a problem? How would I deal with the negative influences he was bound to encounter? . . . As mothers, we are constantly saying good-bye to our children, relinquishing them to the influences of others. . .Although I have no power to change circumstances, I do have the power of God available through Word and Sacrament. I can also daily bring my children before His throne and seek His guidance, protection, grace, and mercy for them wherever they are. This is one of the sacred privileges of motherhood. And the assurance we have is that the same God who guided Samuel and comforted Hannah is available to guide our children and comfort us. He knows and loves our sons and daughters even more than we do and is able to accomplish great things in their lives- things beyond our limited sight that He has prepared for them to do for Him and His kingdom.”
One of the great privileges of motherhood – to pray for our kids and believe God has so much good for them and even that what we do not see as good, He works for good.
So, today I say goodbye to one stage of the life of Josiah, sad at what has gone so quickly and what I will miss, but excited for what is in store in this new stage.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
School Time Memories
We are busy getting ready for school in our home. Josiah came along with Evelyn and I to her last appointment for her helmet in Sioux Falls and afterwards we shopped for school supplies for him. It was very interesting to watch him pick out his supplies. The most important thing to him was that the supplies were blue. We picked out his backpack first and then he matched the blues of the other supplies to the blue of his backpack. There were two shades of blue folders and he picked the one that was closest in color to the backpack. Very interesting!
Simeon has been very interested in starting “school” at home with me. He wanted to know when his school started. I told him maybe 2 weeks and he counted the 14 days that was and stated, “Oooh, that’s not very long!” He also wants to spell. I told him he has to learn to write his name first, so he has been practicing. He has a hard time with the “e” he says, and often goes back over parts that aren’t exactly on the tracing line. After tracing his name a few times one day, he announced that he now knew how to write his name and was ready to start spelling!
It’s fun to see them excited about learning!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
More things to remember
1. Evelyn finally had her first tooth pop through two days ago. It only took 14 months, but she has a cute little tooth on the bottom. I’m pretty sure she is working on another one since her shirt is soaked each day!
2. Josiah’s comment when I read him his school supply list: “I’m going to have a lot of fun in kindergarten if I have to get all that stuff!”
3. I had an argument with Simeon at 4:45am the other morning – Simeon was sure that he could not fall asleep! I kept telling him that he had been asleep, I had been asleep, and he could just go back to sleep. He was convinced he had never fallen asleep for the night. I finally persuaded him to just lay back and keep trying to fall asleep. He might have been asleep before I got out of the room. . .
4. Ezra: “Guess what guys. . .I have big boy underwear on. . .I get a sucker if I go poppy in the toliet.” He knows all the rules, but not so successful yet in staying dry and clean.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So Grateful
As you can see, God protected Joel. He is in a lot of pain, but nothing is broken. He had three athletes with him and they were even able to compete shortly after the accident. It will be at least 4 weeks before Joel is back to normal, but I am so grateful that he is alive and not more seriously injured. It is an emotional process to think about what might have been. I wept to see Joel hug his kids when he got home on Saturday night and it makes me realize even more how much I cherish having a partner in love and life. So, things will be slower here and look differently for the beginning of the summer than we planned, but I am so grateful for God's hand of protection over Joel and those students.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tulip Festival
We did ride night on Wednesday night. They are getting older and really loved the kids rides. Even Ezra did everything his brothers did. Josiah was sweet and took Ezra's hand and led him through a maze ride.
We scrubbed streets. The boys entertained the crowds. We took up the rear guard and I'm pretty sure Josiah found all the spots on the road that the mobs of people in front of us missed! Grandpa Clark, Aunt Crystal and I accompanied the boys a few days and then Joel and I enjoyed doing it on Saturday. Someone would dump water for them and then the boys would vigorously attack the water with their brooms.
We watched parades. Ezra was in tears anytime he thought that we were going to miss a part of the parade. The boys loved the bands, tractors and motorcycles!
And of course, Aunt Crystal and I did a great job indoctrinating them on Tulip Festival food!
It was fun to have family around to enjoy it with. I'm glad I went to the work of getting costumes for everyone. I'm grateful Mom let me borrow hers, and I think I will have one made for me for next year. . .perhaps with a matching one for Evelyn!
Things I Don't Want To Forget
1. It is Evelyn's regular practice to finish her dinner, get down from her highchair and make a beeline to Joel's chair. She proceeds to pester him until he picks her up and then sits, mostly contentedly, on his lap until the end of our meal. I'm pretty sure her daddy eats it up.
2. Ezra's newest phrase: "Mommy, I tell you this. . ."
3. They are redoing the roads downtown. The kids and I sat on a bench, after picking up Josiah from school, Evelyn drank a bottle, and we watched them "do construction" for more than a half hour. I had to drag the boys away!
Friday, May 8, 2009
A farm boy in the city
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Proud Papa
Sunday, April 19, 2009
She eats
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I am thankful
I go to see the doctor this afternoon. I hope there are some answers there.
I am most thankful for a God who supplies all that I need and even adds blessings.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
There will be a day. . .
Friday, April 3, 2009
Random Observations
2. Ezra's new favorite phrases: "Never ever. . ." As in, "Ezra, eat your beans now please."
"Never ever, Mommy." Then he proceeds to eat them. And his other new phrase is "Super duper. . ." which is followed by whatever he is excited about - "Super duper fast. . .Super duper yummy. . .etc"
3. Josiah spent the time after lunch building another contraption with his blocks. He is very creative with them and can explain how each part works.
4. While Josiah was doing that, his brothers made over 30 trips up and down the deck flight of stairs chasing each others frisbees.
5. Josiah's recent prayer at lunchtime: "And thank you God for Evelyn. She brings so much joy to our family."
The kids
Monday, March 30, 2009
Joel's Birthday
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Simeon's thoughts
Yesterday Simeon was sitting by me on the chair while I was feeding Evelyn. He had a book on his lap and Ezra was bugging him to play football with him. Normally, Simeon would be all about that, but today for some reason, he didn't want to. So, he told his brother, "No Ezra. . .the Bible says I can not play football." Where's the reference for that one? :-)